Best 4 Countries to Do Business in Latin America

Mejores paises para hacer negocios en Latinoamenrica

Do you want to start a business, but you don’t know where?

Latin America is a region that should not be underestimated, since, despite its international reputation, there are many ways to start a successful business. Now, the benefits that an entrepreneur can find in a Latin American country are endless. Below, we present the best countries to start a business in Latin America.


Colombia is ranked 53rd in the Doing Business world ranking. Its main advantage is that you can create a company with shareholders and directors who are not Colombian residents, this is a great help when you do not have any partner resident in the country.


Peru has the lowest company registration fees, this means that you will not have to sign exorbitant amounts of paperwork, or wait months to register your company, in fact, the average time to establish your company is 12 weeks, almost a record time in Latin America. Something we also love is that you don’t need to make long trips for paperwork, even so, you will need a Peruvian partner.

But the irresistible advantage is its peaceful and stable environment, which according to the Latin Business Index 2015, Peru is the third country with the most political transparency in Latin America, this is reflected in fair and fruitful commercial strategies. Obviously, it is much easier to do business in a country with political stability.


Chile is the third country with the most stable economy in the area and is one of the 30 countries with the most dynamic economy in the world.

The most striking thing for investors is its economic and social development, which is above the countries of Latin America. Imagine: high quality services, efficient public transport, an operational banking sector, among others, make Chile an irresistible destination.


In recent years the cost of doing business in Mexico has been reduced, this makes it an attractive destination for new investors. The most interesting hook is that Mexico has one of the cheapest labor forces in the world, for example, relocating investments from the United States to Mexico can generate savings of 90% in labor costs.

In addition, Mexico has a great variety of natural resources, including its vast amount of different minerals. We cannot fail to mention that Mexico has a strategic location, since it borders a world power and is a gateway to the rest of the Latin American countries.

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